0800 043 5133

Priority debts

Secured or Priority debts

Priority debts are debts that carry more severe consequences than unsecured debts if not paid, These kind of debts include your mortgage, rent, utilities or tax. If you don't prioritise these debts you could end up losing your home, receiving a court summons, being made bankrupt or having your essential utilities cut off.

If you have secured debt that you cannot afford to repay and you are worried, then get in touch with us at debt advice.

Fill in the form on this page or call freephone 0800 043 5133. All of our debt advice is free and confidential.

What if I cannot pay my secured debts?

If you cannot pay back your secured debts the key is not to panic. If it is just a matter of a few payments, your asset should be safe. You may be able to negotiate with your creditors so you can get on top of and keep up to date with your payments. If you think it is going to happen again in the future, discuss it with your lender. When your lender hears nothing they assume the worst and take action. But if you keep in touch and let them know you are dedicated to paying the money, they may be a lot more lenient, co-operative and understanding.

If you cannot afford to pay your secured debts at all, then the asset/s will be at risk. Your lender can force you to sell the asset to pay the debt or they can take action without your consent to sell it which they will probably do at an auction to get a quick sale.

Before you do anything you should contact us for help and advice on what you can do. There may be other debt options that you are unsure of. There is always an answer to your debt problem and we are happy to give you the best Debt Advice for your circumstances. Our debt advice is free, confidential and without obligation, so you have nothing to lose by discussing your situation with us.

What happens to my Secured debts if I lose my job?

It is pretty much the same scenario as above if you lose your job. You will need to contact your creditors and let them know about your situation, to see what agreements you can come to. You can also contact us at Debt Advice for further information.

What Debt Help is available for me?

Here at Debt Advice our expert debt counsellors offer advice on any type of debt related question. Browse through our site to find the information you or looking for or contact us and we will be in touch with the best information for your circumstances. We can advise you on loans, debts, debt management, IVAs, Bankruptcy and more... Our advice is free, confidential and without obligation.

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How we can help!


We listen

We find out about your debts and identify what options you have available, for addressing the situation.


We advise

We will provide information on all the debt solutions that are available for dealing with your debts.


We help

We could help you set up a formal solution to deal with your debts or signpost you to an appropriate provider or charity.

At Debt Advice we help people and companies struggling with debt and in need of help. We are an Insolvency company that provides confidential debt advice and Insolvency solutions - We primarily deal with IVAs, On assessment of your situation, we can let you know if Insolvency is the right approach for addressing your unaffordable debts or if there are other solutions that would be more suited to addressing your unaffordable debts. We can provide you with information on all options, meaning that you can take your time and make an informed and impartial choice on what you think is best way to tackle your debts.

If you are having difficulty paying your debts and need help or information, please click here to contact us and one of advisers will get in touch.

Need help with your debts?

If you need some help and advice on how to deal with unaffordable debts, click the button below and fill in our contact form. One of our advisors will then contact you to discuss your options.

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