Bank Charges can be expensive and unexpected and there might be various reasons why you could be subjected to charges. You might have monthly fees or overdraft fees on your bank account, depending on what type of account you have. You might have charges for not having enough money in your account for certain direct debits or standing orders.
To make sure you don't get caught with fees or charges from your bank, it is advisable to check out the charges with your bank and the type of account you have. Charges can vary between different banks or buidling societies.
Reclaiming Bank Charges
The best thing to do if you think you have been unfairly charged by your bank, is to contact them as soon as possibly to discuss the charge and why you feel it shouldn't have been applied. You may be offered a full or partial refund. If the bank do not help in any way or if they reject your claim, you could aslo complain to the Ombudsman.
Contact Debt Advice
If your debts are becoming unmanageable contact us at Debt Advice. Our advisors will be happy to help. Fill in the form on this page we will get in touch.
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If you need some help and advice on how to deal with unaffordable debts, click the button below and fill in our contact form. One of our advisors will then contact you to discuss your options.